As our golf course architect had commitments overseas, we were unsure what he would be able to produce for us prior to our AGM but prior to leaving he was able to provide working drawings for us and we are starting to get some feedback in regard to project costs.
While these preliminaries are far from completed, we feel we are now in a position to share details of what is proposed with our members and to that end, intend holding an information session, hosted by our Course Superintendent, Todd McNamee, immediately after the AGM which is being held next Tuesday, September 3 at 6:00pm.
Any interested party is welcome to attend this info session but please be aware that only voting members are able to attend the AGM part of the evening. Due to the way voting is now carried out, the AGM tends to be fairly mundane affair so I suggest that, non voting wishing to attend should consider arriving around 6:30pm.
The Presentation can be viewed by clicking HERE. We have also now added details of this project to the Members Home Page. Hard copies of the Presentation will be available on the night.
Alan Westacott