Captain’s Newsletter

Welcome to our April Newsletter.

To help maintain your golf course in excellent condition, please rake the bunkers after use and replace those divots and/or fill with sand.

Let’s make May divot month where we not only repair our own divots but purposely fill 10 other divots during your round.

This month sees lots of Club competitions being played along with the start to the Zone/District pennant competitions.

The Mount Coolum Cup will be played on Saturday 14th of May.  This is a very popular Honour Board event, so please organise your team early.

The men’s matchplay is well under way with the final due to be played on Saturday 21st May.

Also on the 21st May is the first round of the Women’s Club Championship

The Junior Pennant Season starts on Sunday 15th May. The host Club will be Mt Coolum. Why not come along and watch our future stars in action?

Ladies Pennant season commences on 23rd May. May 30th will see Mount Coolum host the Ladies Sapphire Pennant teams.

The course continues to provide excellent golfing conditions, with the fairways continuing to improve after the blue couch eradication.

Work is continuing to eradicate the weeds in the ponds, whilst the temporary local rule is still in place for those greens showing excessive wear.

The conditions of competition have been updated to include the Code of Conduct introduced last month by the Board.

The men’s golf championships were successful and our changes to the conditions of entry proved somewhat successful with all the players wanting to enter and play the four days getting a game.

Congratulations to our winners:

Club Champion: Glenn Esden from Stephen Scheepers

B Grade Champion: Bruce Bennett from Shane Britton

C Grade Champion: Robert Gatt from Mathew Craig

Slow play: Early in April we continued to experience slow golf. Whilst the times improved over the month it is still not to the standard we expect.  It has been suggested that we trial, starting from both the first and tenth tees, for the Tuesday competition as the Thursday competition time averages are better than Tuesdays. This will be discussed at our next Match Committee Meeting.

Rules of Golf: did you know?

 Repairing ball marks:

You can repair ball marks on the green at any time but you cannot repair a ball mark on the fringe if it’s on your line. So, for example, if you are on the fringe and fancy putting it, but there is a deep pitch mark on your line in the fringe, you cannot repair that.

You can repair them if they are not on your line and not interfering with your line of play though.

The only instance where you could repair a pitch mark on your line in the fringe would be if that ball mark was created after your ball had come to rest.

Nearest point of complete relief from abnormal course condition:

The point here is that you have to take complete relief, with ‘complete’ being the keyword.

You cannot take relief off a cart path and drop it on a nice lush bit of grass if your feet are still on the path. That would not be complete relief, as you have to have the ball and your stance off the path.

Abnormal course conditions include ground under repair, temporary water, animal holes and immovable obstructions like cart paths.

Paul Radnell – Club Captain